The strange unsettling sexual elegance of his work attracts me. I like thats its ambiguous and maybe offensive in some instances. I'm not interested in work thats about trying to shock for the sake of it, in my opinion you have to earn the right to challenge and extort certain subjects. If you have something to explore and deliver to people because its important to you and drives you like hunger, then it matters. Annoying its become trendy and acceptable now to put out provocative imagery within every creative outlet, from Theatre to stand up comedy, to Design and Film, boundaries are pushed all over, but all too often the glory is soaked up by Trend followers, people who want the respect and praise for making controversial statements, but lacked the balls to make the stand in the first place because being the first to raise an issue, pull it apart and not give a shit who you bother in the process, that is the hardest part, its a lonely journey until you start reaping the benefits and by that time, you've been fleeced by the wannabe creative free loaders. I cannot abide being copied or producing derivative work, sometimes is happens by chance, accident or what ever, but if I find my work starts sitting into trends, it really gets my back up! It means your work will have more chance of selling, but its a completely pointless exercise if its just about churning out material to making a quid or two.
Aubrey Beardsley though, how good is that name?!
1 comment:
I usually end up writing these posts at stupid times in the early hours of the morning, which means I'm half asleep and not really concentrating, which I'm hoping explains my rubbish spelling. Just had to edit this post as it didn't really make sense, maybe still doesn't but its an improvement!
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