About Me

My photo
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
I am a Textile Designer/Maker based in Edinburgh, I specialise in printed and stitched textiles which I studied at Duncan of Jordanstone Art School, Dundee. Why the hell Dundee you ask? It was a long way to go from my home town of Luton, but its a long story which I won't bore you with. I grew up in and around an 'antique but mostly second hand' furniture shop and was raised as a (not so devout) Catholic. My sir name in case you're wondering, is Irish. My dad comes from county Leitrim in Ireland, where you will find many more Gallogly's, though luckily we're still a rare breed.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Made of Strong Stuff

'Made of Strong Stuff' is now part of my logo and business identity. There's more to it than just a title but more info will follow, I just wanted to get a bit of ownership over the title in case someone else starts to use it Grrrrr!

Pull your finger out

A little update!

Things are all starting to come together finally. 2009 was a year of massive upheaval which put my Designing and making on hold for a while. Now in a new year, while I still don't have my studio all in place here in Edinburgh, I am back on board and ready to get stuck in again.

Some of the new work will be very different to what I've put out before, but more faithful to my real inspirations and ideas. I have felt in the past some of the work I've produced to be a little derivative, but more so for it to be very safe. I want to get away from making easy commercial work, it feels pointless, I may as well be selling someone else's work. So! Big changes in store.

In addition to designing and making, I do an awful lot of other stuff (Teaching, Workshops, Theatre work) maybe I've said this before? I don't know, but I feel the need to remind everyone in case you think I'm lazy!. So, while it may appear from the lack of activity on this blog and lack of website entirely, that I've given up, this is far from it, I'm doing loads! The website should be together within the next few months, so keep a look out.

The image posted below is my business card which frames my new logo at the centre of it.

Made of Strong Stuff!