About Me

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Edinburgh, United Kingdom
I am a Textile Designer/Maker based in Edinburgh, I specialise in printed and stitched textiles which I studied at Duncan of Jordanstone Art School, Dundee. Why the hell Dundee you ask? It was a long way to go from my home town of Luton, but its a long story which I won't bore you with. I grew up in and around an 'antique but mostly second hand' furniture shop and was raised as a (not so devout) Catholic. My sir name in case you're wondering, is Irish. My dad comes from county Leitrim in Ireland, where you will find many more Gallogly's, though luckily we're still a rare breed.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Music Video Costumes for 'Our Broken Garden'

When Your Blackening Shows from philm on Vimeo.

Had a little bit of input for this music video by designing the costume. My good friend Phil Molloy directed it, and so asked if I could help out in that department. The video is very cool, as are the band and their music. Enjoy!

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