About Me

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Edinburgh, United Kingdom
I am a Textile Designer/Maker based in Edinburgh, I specialise in printed and stitched textiles which I studied at Duncan of Jordanstone Art School, Dundee. Why the hell Dundee you ask? It was a long way to go from my home town of Luton, but its a long story which I won't bore you with. I grew up in and around an 'antique but mostly second hand' furniture shop and was raised as a (not so devout) Catholic. My sir name in case you're wondering, is Irish. My dad comes from county Leitrim in Ireland, where you will find many more Gallogly's, though luckily we're still a rare breed.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

New sketch books...

These are my new sketchbooks! They are still kind of a working progress - after printing I noticed a few little things I'd like to change, but over all, I'm fairly pleased. They are printed on the reverse and inside too, and come in all sorts of different colour ways. I'll add more images soon. I'm using a combination of new and recycled paper to make up the pages - old envelopes etc. The 'dog tooth' or 'Hounds tooth' print is obviously not my design -  but all of the other background prints, used to make up the collages, are my own. I had designed these little prints about 3 years ago to make fashion accessories (ditched that), and had been wondering what to do with them ever since. These books are currently available from 'Concrete Wardrobe' Broughton St, edinburgh and will soon be added to the web site. Though I manage the site myself, its not one of those 'package/ template' sites, I do it all through 'Dreamweaver', so its tricky to make changes all of the time.

I printed the paper over at the DCA (dundee contemporary arts) because they have right tables for paper printing, and I can print off loads at a time. As my studio space is in my flat, its impossible keeping it all tidy - I wash my screens out in the bath, use my own washing machine to dye fabric and use all available floor space to lay things out to dry. So it's nice to use other studio spaces for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Love them love them love them!

Are they available for sale on your website?